Better late than never!!!

Still going through my ups and downs.  Fluctuating around the 60 pound lost mark.  My work schedule is a 12 hour day with 2-3 hours on the road every day.  Thanks to my weight watchers meeting last night, we figured out a way to get at least some exercise in during the day .  I started today.  I have about 10 minutes after eating lunch, so I started walking around our building at work.  It really felt good.  Going to try to get in another 10-15 minute walk after I get home.  At least it's a start.  I really appreciate all the encouragement and ideas I get at my meetings.  Our leader is very good at encouraging us and coming up with helpful ideas.  Thanks to all the members that come too.  Between all of us, we encourage, help, and stand up for each other.   I love weight watchers.

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