Personal Goals......

Goals are very important to all of us....what do you do if your particular goal is not achieved as soon as you would like? Many people abandon their goals if they dont reach it as soon as they would like, but when you look at wha a goal does for people, maybe we can see other benifits of sticking with it...having a focus throughout your life is immeasureable being able to be inspired on a daily basis counts for something, doesnt it? How many people fall into a humdrum type lifestyle, and cant seem to find something to interest them? Being able to stay focused during your lifetime is a lofty goal, many dont manage to do philosophy is===>IF ITS SOMETHING YOU LIKE TO DO, DONT EVER LET IT GO..ITS WHO YOU ARE..KEEP AT IT FOREVER...GOD GAVE YOU THAT FOR A REASON...sometimes actually reaching a goal is not the real reward....just maybe a life dedicated to keeping itself happy by doing things it enjoys doing is!!  what do you think?

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