
To me happiness is a must, it makes life so much better when you are happy, a hermit has no problem being happy because all of the things that he or she does is mainly with themselves...must of us interact with others so problems might come up because of it. There is no problem that God cant solve but it takes a few things to happen, first you must recognize the problem honestly, take responsibility for it, and work like crazy to resolve it...most problems escalate when people try to ignore whats going on and clam up about it. If any of you have problems in life my advice to you would be to get it out in the open, be honest about who and what you are..for example if you portray yourself as being one thing when you are actually just the opposite...no one will know who to approach you on Your terms..let people know who you are from the beginning, then they can make a decision  if they want to engage  you , that applys to every level......problems can be stepping stones to a greater appreciation for a person, or a stone that snowballs into an uncontrolled situation...YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG BEING WHO YOU REALLY ARE...

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